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Thursday, September 29, 2011

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!!!

Even though Brooksie’s birthday celebration was our trip to the zoo last month, we decided to let her have a little, low key get together… just to invite over a few friends and have some ice cream. Now, for someone who loves to party plan and entertain a ‘low key get together’ is bound to become a full blown shin-dig!!

Trying to find a party idea that’s different from the many parties we attend is no easy task so the ice cream party was perfect (yes, we’ve upgraded from low key ‘get together’ to a ‘party’!!) I found lots of super cute ice cream party ideas online… pink, fluffy, foo-foo ice cream party ideas!! Anyone who knows Brooksie knows she’s no girly-girl and hates pink!! How do I make this a party for and about her….? I’ve got it… make it gross!! Which, to Brooksie, was a totally awesome idea!!!

Our toppings became items such as worms (gummy worms), dirt (crushed oreos), snail eggs (m&m’s), rainbow rocks (nerds), bear bits (teddy grahams), monkey brains (banannas), and no ice cream is complete without a bull’s eye (cherry) on top!!

It was a perfect “Brooksie” style party!!

Come on in….

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topping table…


Ice cream cake pops, inspired by Bakerella

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Brooksie with the “snot” (aka dyed marshmallow cream)


The kids LOVED piling on their own topping!


This is how you do it… an ice cream in each hand!!!


Thanks for coming, don’t forget your goodie bag!!

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Pops, pops, and more pops…

I’ve been very busy in the cake pop department lately!! I made some fun ice cream cone cake pops for Brooksie’s ice cream party, Jared asked me to make some for their work staff meeting, and I was asked to make some for 2 baby showers!!

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School Days…

I can’t believe summer is finally over!!  (I just wish Mother Nature would follow suit, I’m done with this heat!!)  As summer comes to an end a new school year begins… welcome to 2nd grade!!


It seems like we were just starting kindergarten, where is the time going?!

Brooksie and Rylan became really good buddies over summer… I was worried about how Rylan would adjust to his sister not being home.  So far, it’s been ok.  He would cry a little when we would drop her off at school, but it wouldn’t last too long.  He still asks for her as soon as he wakes up from his nap.  It’s definitely become more challenging keeping him occupied without Brooksie around to help entertain him.  Maybe we need to start a gymnastics class or something!
